I used to walk in this mode of "by faith", in many ways I still do. Let me explain. There are times in our lives when what we hope for / need / want are out of our reach and somewhat impossible through our own means. These are moments where I believe "by faith" they will be taken care of.That's what this blog is all about. My walk of faith in the everyday.
But lately, my moment by moment mantra has been...by faith...a mountain of seemingly insurmountable obstacles standing in my way, but GOD... Let me share.
About 6 weeks ago, my dryer started making the loudest most unbelievable noises. I knew it was only a matter of time before my dryers' days would be over. By faith I believed a new dryer would be in my future. You see, I have no money for a new dryer, a couple hundred dollars was nowhere to be found in my budget. At the same time, I heard a friend was selling a used dryer at a minimal cost. I thought, "this must be my new dryer." I scraped together the funds and bought it. It was delivered, the old dryer was removed. I was into my first week with they dryer and...no fancy noises, no warnings, the dryer just stopped working. By faith...
About the same time, I started noticing a small puddle around our washer. I thought, "This is not happening." But by faith I am believing this is all gonna workout. For the past 3 weeks, I have "ignored" the puddle and there are clothes hanging on clothes racks, hangers and doors all over our house!
Well, I remembered a friend of mine asked me earlier in the year if Iknew anyone who needed a washer/dryer. They are less than a year old and she needs to unload them. I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask if maybe six months later, she still had them. SHE DOES! They havent been installed yet, but they are on the way!
BY FAITH - A washer and a dryer - NO COST to us!
In the midst of all this mess, I had family visiting and our dishwasher was in overdrive. In the middle of the rinse cycle - IT JUST STOPPED. I did all those things that a woman does...opened and closed the door...Nope. Turned the knob and reset the cycle...Nope. Hmmm...push all the buttons a few times and shake the door...Nope. I even went to the fuse box in the basement and reset every single fuse in the box...NOPE. Called the landlord (This one's his problem). A week later, a repairman comes in...jiggles a few wires and notes a short. He rewires and the dishwasher is as good as...it was.
By Faith...the dishwasher is running - no problems!
Fast forward a few weeks. I have been praying over my financial situation and attempting some creative strategies to increase my income. Lets just say there is absolutely NO wiggle room in the budget. I've been believing by faith the Lord will provide. Not a day or two later, I had a freak accident at the gym and basically mashed my finger. Trip to the ER! I knew that they couldnt require me to pay my copay up front (which theres no way I could) so I left all my cards in the car. 5 stitches, 2 large fractures and a lot of swelling later, I am exiting the ER and going thru the processing. Somehow, by faith, I would come up with the copay (which is $200 btw).
By Faith...the copay was paid by a "good Samaritan" who just wanted to bless me!
Now the trip to the hand specialist - another copay, but thankfully, they forgot to ask for it. I am not sure if it's the $40 specialist rate or the $20 dr's office rate, but either way, I didn't have it. As I said, my budget is wiggle-free! (I was sure God allowed me to go in and out without being asked for the copay). But a day or so later, they called and said I would need to have it on my next visit.
By Faith...a couple "anonymously" went to the Dr's office and paid my copay for me so "I wouldn't have to worry about it!"
Lets keep going! Since I had been praying about finances and a "general dislike" of my current employment situation, I have been actively seeking other employment opportunities for over a year. I got a call from a recruitment agency I had worked with asking if I was interested in a buyer position at a company just 5 miles from my house, paying 20% more than what I am currently earning. Uhhh... YEAH! The interview only took 15 minutes and I was immediately offered the position.
I tend to be a very patient person, buy I had been getting weary believing God would "rescue" me from the place that I am in. All I can say is - HANG IN THERE; keep doing the right things; listen and be patient - BY FAITH - your "rescue" is coming!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Come Away With Me
"Come Away With Me"...
the lyrics of the song lingered in my heart as I pondered what He was saying to me. You see, I had recently had a conversation with a friend about how very much God wants to communicate with us. The problem is that we don't want to listen. We're really good at talking (we call it praying), but we're not very good at the listening.
I had taken those words to heart and decided I needed to have a conversation (a talk/listen involving 2 or more people) with God. I had asked Him a question and waited for His answer. It came in a song.
God wants me to spend some time with Him...some ALONE time...away from all the distractions, the busy-ness, Life. Just Him & me.
So, for the past few weeks, I've thought about it. Talked to a select few about locations. I don't have all the details planned out but I do know this, Friday night, I'm going away. I will return on Sunday morning. My plan (shhhh...not telling) is take these 48 hours and just conversate with my Heavenly Father.
To Talk. To Listen.
(Here's a link to the song...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZoOfGiqZ7Y - Take sometime & listen).
the lyrics of the song lingered in my heart as I pondered what He was saying to me. You see, I had recently had a conversation with a friend about how very much God wants to communicate with us. The problem is that we don't want to listen. We're really good at talking (we call it praying), but we're not very good at the listening.
I had taken those words to heart and decided I needed to have a conversation (a talk/listen involving 2 or more people) with God. I had asked Him a question and waited for His answer. It came in a song.
God wants me to spend some time with Him...some ALONE time...away from all the distractions, the busy-ness, Life. Just Him & me.
So, for the past few weeks, I've thought about it. Talked to a select few about locations. I don't have all the details planned out but I do know this, Friday night, I'm going away. I will return on Sunday morning. My plan (shhhh...not telling) is take these 48 hours and just conversate with my Heavenly Father.
To Talk. To Listen.
(Here's a link to the song...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZoOfGiqZ7Y - Take sometime & listen).
Monday, October 10, 2011
They are the "Lucky" Ones...

But this time, I was painfully aware of recent events in my family as these young men shared their stories. I thought to myself, "These are the lucky ones." Maybe of their own choosing or someone prayed or dragged or tricked them into the program. But either way, they were there. God had helped them overcome their addictions and lifestyles to help lead them on a path to helping others.
I kept thinking about Clarence. He was seemingly headed in the right direction. Was making strides to get out of an "unhealthy" lifestyle. Yet, his life was cut short by someone dealing. The young man who was caught up in the drugs, carrying a lethal weapon is behind bars. He's alive. He's breathing. He has opportunities (in jail of course), but still has opportunities. Just doesn't seem right!
I rejoice with these "lucky" ones from Teen Challenge and the path they are headed in. It also gives me a new drive for those who are close to me and also headed into this path. It reminds me, I can't do anything about Clarence and the situation he was in, but I can maybe do something about theirs.
So, I will pray. I will call. I will text. I will do whatever it takes so that they too can become one of the "lucky" ones.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Let the Healing Begin...

There's one specific song that's been speaking to me for quite some time by Tenth Avenue North. I wanted to share the lyrics with you below.
Healing Begins Lyrics
So you thought you had to keep this up / All the work that you do
So we think that you're good / And you can't believe it's not enough
All the walls you built up / Are just glass on the outside
So let 'em fall down / There's freedom waiting in the sound
When you let your walls fall to the ground / We're here now
This is where the healing begins, oh / This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark / The light meets the dark
Afraid to let your secrets out / Everything that you hide
Can come crashing through the door now / But too scared to face all your fear
So you hide but you find / That the shame won't disappear
So let it fall down / There's freedom waiting in the sound
When you let your walls fall to the ground
We're here now / We're here now, oh
This is where the healing begins, oh / This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark / The light meets the dark
Sparks will fly as grace collides / With the dark inside of us
So please don't fight / This coming light
Let this blood come cover us / His blood can cover us
This is where the healing begins, oh / This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark / The light meets the dark
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