Sunday, May 16, 2010

I like it FAST!

I live in a FAST FOOD society, yet it seems circumstances around me keep me moving around like a sluggish turtle on an uphill mission full of slip-slidy mud to no-where!

I try pushing forward - only to find obstacles slowing me down.  I try to resolve issues in my life, but something keeps it from happening.  I have unanswered prayers...unanswered questions...unanswered direction...UGH!

As much as I want it done NOW...God is working something in the WAIT!  I'm not sure what but there's something in the thinking that there's something He is doing.

I have been praying throughout the past week for refining, purifying FIRE that burns to the core of who I am.  If you've ever tried to start a fire artificially, you've seen where when you put the fire-starter in the pile, a huge bright flame will seemingly cover the surface of the wood, but in a few minutes, when the fire-starter is consumed, oftentimes, the fire goes out.


I want the Fire that consumes to the very core of the wood.  That even when the outside might look a little ashy and "dead", there's a fire that's burning deep within that when it's stirred or poke, a fire burns out bright and clear. 

I don't want any artificial flames of "God" on me...I want the FIRE OF GOD to burn to the very center of my being.  I want a fire that burns hot and bright - ALL THE TIME...not just for a show for a few moments.

That's the prayer of my week - for God to set me on FIRE!

All the other "stuff" that hinders me ... WHO CARES!  All the other "stuff" that frustrates me ... LET IT FRUSTRATE ME NO LONGER! 

I want my focus not on what's happening in the here and now, but to be on what God is going to do as I continue to step forward in FAITH!

So as much as I'd like the fire to burn in me bright and fast...I would much rather have the slow burn of God burn to the very core of my being and allow the purification process that comes with it.

Burn in me God.

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