Friday, June 10, 2011

Time to Take Some Time...

mo·ti·vate /ˈmoʊtəˌveɪt/ verb

1 : to give (someone) a reason for doing something
2 : to be a reason for (something)

Motivation.  That is the theme of this weeks' Dr. Drill Instructor Program.  It's one of the Core Values.

At Boot Camp this morning, Dr Drill talked about Motivation.  He talked about finding motivation even when the last thing you want to do is that thing that is in front of you.  How, when life throws you obstacles (and life will throw you obstacles), you have to find ways to overcome them and contine - that's motivation.

There have been a lot of obstacles in my life lately.  There are a lot of obstacles that get in the way of any life.  There's finances, relationships, deaths/births, education, health, etc...  There's a lot of reasons (or rather "excuses") for me to give-up, give-in, QUIT!

But I can't.  I am motivated.  In DDIP, I am motivated to obtain optimal health for myself and those around me.  In work, I am motivated to earn my bi-weekly paycheck so I can pay the bills and live life.  In my family/friends, I am motivated to maintain and improve relationships.  In my church, I am motived to love and serve God out of obedience.  But sometimes, motivating yourself is hard, really HARD!

That's when it's time to take some time...
  • Time to slow or stop your pace to reset your bearings;
  • Time to refresh your body, your soul, your emotions;
  • Time to refocus on those things most important.
This weekend, I am going on a retreat with about a dozen women in the Poconos.  At first, I was thinking, "I don't know if I want to go...because [List any excuse you can think of here]".  I don't like the unknown.  I'm not a super-social person.  I don't want the "whole world" in on my "business".  I tend to be closed off. 

For the past few months, I've been very careful who I've let in.  I'm just learning to trust all over again.  I'm just starting to feel comfortable meeting new people.  Meeting new people means telling my story - it means sharing where I've been over the past few months.  That scares me a bit.  Just being honest.

But I need some time.  I need the time to relax and "let my hair down".  I need some time of rest.  A time to slow down a bit and reset my bearings.  I need some time with God.  To get to know His voice again - to quiet myself from the demands and bustle of the everyday so that I can hear Him speaking.

So this weekend, I'm going to take some time!

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