Why do I fight it? I try so hard to stay in control, but why?
Ultimately, I can't control it. I can't even influence it in either direction. I might be able to delay it - for a time, but the inevitable still comes. Yet, I still fight it. Don't judge me - you do too.
We try to fight the flood of emotion that comes at most unwanted, unexpected times. For me, this has been the organic food section of the grocery store or the CD aisle at my local christian bookstore or while washing dishes in the kitchen or while driving home and seeing a beautiful sunset. It comes from seemingly no where, first the heaviness of heart, then the aching, then anger, the deep breaths, and then a flood of tears that I try so desperately to hold back.
I've given in to the fact that its so much easier and less painful to just "go with it". And then, as quickly as it comes, it's gone. The only remnant is the salt stains on my cheeks and the slow, methodical breathing...the sense that I've released into God's hands all the hurts and pains and emotions, in liquid form. For some odd reason, there is a comfort in knowing that God has stored those tears. That those tears somehow bring about healing. That release is a process for helping me grow, mature and prepare for God's plan.
So I ask again, why fight it?
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